Wednesday, January 21, 2009

January 21st - Chapter 3

Your thoughts, questions comments . . .


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Verse 5 has always one of my favorite as long as I can mom would always remind me of this one when I was struggling with something or trying to figure out my purpose. (still working on that one) =) It really reminded us to continue to rely on God rather than trying to make all the decisions ourselves. Steven enjoyed the parts about discipline and it reminded him that God is our Almighty Father and treats him as a son. Even though some of the discipline may not come directly from God, God still uses that to help you find the right path.

  3. What is hitting home for me is the relevancy of all these proverbs. We had Life Group last night and talked about some of the very same things written about in Chapter 3! What hits me again and again is how straight and true my life has become, and continues to be, the more I live and breathe the words of the Bible. My eureka moments never end!
