Thursday, January 22, 2009

January 22nd - Chapter 4

Your thoughts, comments, questions...


  1. An email sent from Chris . . .

    This is probably a super basic observation for this chapter but I thought it was
    nice to see something plainly written that said keep going straight on your
    path, and don't look side to side. I mean it sounds like common sense, but it's
    so to the point without any frills or whatever. God's just like, "dude, keep
    your feet solid on this path. Hey, no... what the.... stop looking over there,
    fix your eyes forward, you'll be good." And also I liked the guarding your heart
    part. I think it's so important, because if you let your heart out in the open
    and aren't protective, you are opening yourself up to a lot of stuff to deal
    with. I know for myself I have had to deal with a hardened/judgemental heart
    after working so long in a job I didn't like. It made me cynical and I judged
    people a lot. It really made me sick of people and the world in general, and it
    was hard to deal with when I realized what was happening to me. Had I put on the
    armor of God and been
    more protective of my heart, I don't think I would've been in that situation.

    So yeah, this was a good chapter.

  2. This is kinda just adding on to what was already said.

    For me I found verses 23-27 very reliant in my life. It talks about looking straight ahead, and not getting sidetracked. It reminds me that there were sinful things in my past; and if I take my eyes off the Lord and get sidetracked I will get way off track really fast.

    Its different for every christian in the sense that we are all tempted in different ways. So for some it might be if someone with a drinking problem in the past gets around alcohol at all they can get off path really easily. I have need to totally separate myself form things that were sinful in my past or I will fall right back into it without even knowing it.

    I think that's something that we should all be aware of.
